Newfield Health Fair 2009




Every day we put forth a conscious effort when making decisions regarding our health and wellness.  With copious amounts of information floating around on what’s good for you and what’s not; it can be difficult to filter through it all. 

This year’s fourth annual health fair for the elementary and middle school students promises to address the basics and give our students the tools for making good decisions.  This year’s theme, “Think! Shake! Move!” can be separated into three categories.  “Think” refers to weighing the pros and cons before making a decision regarding our health and wellness.  “Shake” refers to getting a variety of foods in your diet; and “Move” refers to getting a sufficient amount of exercise most days of the week.

Approximately 720 students from the elementary and middle school will be attending this year’s event that will be held in both of the elementary gyms on Friday, March 20th.  They will have the opportunity to explore eight stations relating to maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Again this year, parents should expect their children to bring home a “goody bag” full of healthy items and information.  Unfortunately, we will not be hosting the Adult Health Fair this year but we hope to reschedule it in the upcoming years.