Supplies for the 2014-2015 School Year

Dear Second Grade students and families,


            Welcome to Second Grade!  September is right around the corner and here are the supplies that we recommend you bring to school:


1.        Crayons – no more than 48 to a box

2.       Colored pencils

3.       3 boxes of #2 pencils sharpened

4.       2 Expo dry erase markers

5.       1 clean old sock to use as an eraser

6.       4 erasers

7.       Small plastic case for supplies

8.       2 composition notebooks – (1 = poetry and 1 = writers notebook)

9.       Homework folder with name on it

10.   5 - pocket folders

11.    1 - (2 inch, 3 ring) binder

12.   Smock or old shirt for art – with name on it

13.   1 box of 2.5 gallon size zip bags (for reading bags)



Other helpful supplies that you might want to consider:

-         Glue sticks

-         Tape

-         Scissors (with child’s name on them)

-         Baby wipes


Your desk is not too large therefore extra things will not fit in your desk neatly. 


Parents, please feel free to contact me throughout the year at any time.  Enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to spending the year with your child!


                                                                                              Kate Cronin