Resource Room

Resource Room


Resource room is a small group class with a maximum of 5 students at one time.


Purpose of Resource Room

·        some students receive their copies of notes in this class

·        students participate in re-teaching of concepts that they are having difficulty with

·        students work on IEP goals to develop skills to be successful in their classes

·        students are sometimes required to work on supplemental skills and strategies such as writing skills or reading strategies

·        students review and prep for upcoming tests

·        make-up quizzes or tests that then missed or need extra time to complete

  •         Resource room also allows students to work on their IEP post-secondary transition goals to support their career goals.

Many students think that Resource Room is a study hall.  Resource room is a class and bound by federal regulations for students with IEPs.  Students participate in support and skill development in resource room, whereas study hall is just meant to work or study independently.

Expectations: my expectations for behavior in this class are the same expectations that I have for all of my classes.  You are expected to be respectful to each other and me, use appropriate language for school, and work hard!!!!!

Grading Policy

Resource Room is graded as Pass/Fail. A student may fail resource room if they fail to come to school or refuse to work/participate in resource room activities.