Business Math (15:1)
Description of Class:
You will spend your time in this class acquiring knowledge of math in the real world and practicing math skills that you will need for the rest of your life.
Topics that you will be working with include wages and job related costs and figures, budgeting, costs of buying or renting homes and automobiles, finances, taxes, bank accounts, insurance, and other aspects of math from the business standpoint.  You may have projects to do and plan on at least two homework assignments per week.  We will do work in class from both books and the internet.   
Class Expectations:
  • Be on Time To Class!!! (3 lates will be a write-up and then every late after that). Speak with me if you have a special circumstance that will cause you to be late to class. We will start class when the bell rings, we have a lot to do!
  • Code of Conduct will be followed for all rules and dress code.
  • Language-you must be respectful to your classmates and teacher. No instigating of picking on others.  You will be respected if you give respect! Swearing and name calling will NOT be allowed!!!!
  • Be Prepared!!!!! You must bring all materials that you need to class, this may include a pen, pencil, paper, your binder or notebook, and any other papers (such as homework) that are needed for class.
  • Participation: You will be grade on your participation in class, this includes showing up, participation in class discussions, completing class work while in class and out of class. You are expected to be involved in all activities for this class!
  • Responsibility: You will be required to be responsible for any school property that you will have in your possession, such as textbooks. You are expected to care for school property as you would anything else that you have that you value highly. If you lose school property, such as a novel or textbook, you will have to pay to replace it.
Grading Policy
  • Participation: 10%
  • Classwork/Homework: 45%-assignments due in class, will be accepted by 3:00 of day it is due unless otherwise stated with no loss of credit. Loss of 10 points per day it is late after due date.
  • Quizzes/Tests: 30%
  • Projects: 15% (may not occur every marking period, everything else would count more)
If you are absent, you have five (5) days to hand in the assignment that was given that day.

Contact Information and Parent Information:
Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or concerns. You will also have access to your students’ grades through Parent Portal (Schooltool online). If you do not have access already, please contact the guidance office.
Phone Number: 594-3341 ext. 3933
*** You can also contact me through my classroom webpage: