Classroom Information

Classroom Information 

On this page you will find information about such things as conduct, homework, breakfasts and lunches, snacks, celebrating birthdays, and book orders. 

 frog   Daily Schedule

Every Day: 

· Lunch -10:45-11:20

· Recess- 1:40-2:10




· Day 1- GYM - 12:00-12:30

· Day 2- MUSIC – 12:00-12:30

· Day 3- COMPUTERS 12:00-12:30

· Day 3- LIBRARY – 12:35-1:05

· Day 4- COMPUTERS 11:25-11:55

· Day 4- MUSIC – 12:35:-1:05

· Day 5– GYM – 12:00-12:30

· Day 6- Art - 12:15-12:50


frog Conduct Calendar

Daily your child will fill out a conduct calendar. This calendar stays in their homework folder and goes back and forth from school to home.  Our classroom runs on a ‘stop light system’. Every day your child will start the day on green. If they choose to not follow a classroom rule, they will get a verbal warning.  If the behaviors continue, they move to yellow (meaning five minute off of recess), next orange (10 minutes off of recess), then red (15 minutes of recess). If your child reaches black, then you will receive a phone call or note home. This calendar facilitates communication between home and school and allows parents to know how their child is doing on a daily basis.


frog Folders

Students should have a binder with two folders in it at all times.

1 The Big Flats folder is a PAPERS FOLDER. This folder travels back and forth and contains tests, graded papers, and important notices from the school. Please check your child’s folder daily. Any notes from you to school should be put in this folder.


1 The second folder is a HOMEWORK FOLDER. This folder contains homework your child is expected to complete. Please check the homework sheet DAILY to see if your child has homework. Upon completion of the work and review of your child’s day at school, please initial the day on the weekly homework sheet to let me know you have seen and checked your child’s work.



frog Homework

Below is a basic description of the different types of homework your child will have throughout the year.



&  MATHEMATICS- Assignments, called HOME LINKS (on green paper) will be sent home by units. Your child will only need to complete one link at a time as assigned usually nightly, but not always. Please do not go ahead in this packet, as it follows and supports lessons that are being taught in the classroom. These assignments will not take very much time to complete, but most of them involve interaction with an adult or an older child. I will collect all the assignments at the end of the unit.


&  SPELLING- spelling is part of our reading series, Treasures. This program has a five day teaching cycle. Your child will be assigned new words on the first day of this cycle.  Words will be sent home as they are taught, and spelling tests will be given at the end of the story. Please refer to your child’s homework sheet to be aware when tests will be given. Depending on the week, things such assemblies, special guests, ect., test dates may be changed to the following day.



&  READING JOURNAL-  daily your child will bring home their reading journal and a book in a plastic baggie. For the first week or so, I will assign 1 book for them to read a night.  Eventually, students will be allowed to choose a book to take home and read.  Students are free to read any book (from school, library, home, etc.), and more than 1 a night if wanted. ALL students are expected to read at least 15 or more books a month.  If your child reaches 15 or more books for the month, they will be able to eat in the classroom & watch a movie. J  In addition, for every 25 books your child reads they will have a chance to choose from the prize box. (More information will be sent home about this with the journal).



Generally speaking, homework assignments should usually be able to be completed in about 15 minutes. I appreciate parents’ knowledge and support through their assistance in completing these assignments.  If you find that your child is taking longer than necessary to complete the homework, it may be an indication that they are having difficulty. If this is the case, please contact me by email at KSchrage@HorseheadsDistrict. com or by phone at 739-6373.



frog  Snacks

Students in my class are allowed to have a small HEALTHY snack in the morning when they come in and work on their morning work. As a class we talked about some healthy choices for snack that they could bring. Some suggestions include fruit, vegetables, cheese, yogurt, granola bars or chips. Students should not bring in unhealthy snacks such as candy, cookies, pudding or sugary items. Please no drink boxes or juice. Water bottles (please no juices or sports drinks) are acceptable. Your cooperation in making sure that students have a healthy snack would be appreciated. 



frog Breakfast & Lunch

Students have the option of buying breakfast for $1.00. Breakfast is available from 8:00-8:20. Students who eat breakfast at school are asked to get their breakfast and bring it back to our classroom to eat

 Students have the option of bringing or buying a lunch for $1.80. Additional items such as chips, cookies, or ice cream may be purchased for $.30-$.60. Students are responsible for holding on to their money during the day.  Many parents have found it easier to send in checks and/or pay for lunches in advance using the districts PAYSCHOOLS system. Please see the district website for more information on this system. Menus will be sent home at the beginning of every month so your child will know what they would like to order, or if they need to bring their lunch from home. You can also access the menu at If you do not want your child buying extra snacks beyond the basic lunch, please send in a note to notify the cafeteria staff.


 frog  Supplies

Students are responsible for their own supplies. Please ask your child WEEKLY what needs to be replenished. 


 frog  Electronics & Cards

Please have your child keep all electronics (any devices that require batteries) and cards (Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, baseball, etc.) at home. In the past, students have had problems with loosing, misplacing and fighting over these items.

frog   Book Orders

Book orders will be sent home about once a month. It is optional to order, but it is a good way to get books at a fairly good price. Watch for the due date on the top of the form, which is usually about a week from the day they are sent home. You may order online and pay by credit card or pay by check and make it out to the book club on the top of the form. If there is more than one book order sent home and you choose to order from both, you only need to send in one check.



Please be sure that your child knows his/her full name, address, and telephone number by the end of September.   Also, please work on making sure your child can tie shoes and zip up their coat independently! This is an expectation by the end of October.