
    The ABCs for Parents 
 (Source: unknown)

Ask your child about the school day.

Begin your child's day with a nourishing breakfast.

Congratulate you child for doing well.

Discuss homework with your child.

Encourage your child to read.

Find a quiet place for your child to study.

Give your child responsibility.

Hug your child to build self worth.

Include your child in making simple family decisions.

Join a library with your child.

Keep your child on a schedule that includes exercise and sleep.

Limit TV viewing by selecting programs with your child.

Make the time you spend with your child special.

Notice and discuss changes in your child's behavior.

Offer to help your child organize school papers.

Provide your child with good role models.

Question the activities your child shares with friends.

Respect your child's right to have opinions different from yours.

Share an interest or a hobby with your child.

Take time to listen to your child.

Urge your child to say "NO!" to unwanted touching.

Visit places of interest with your child.

Work with your child to set up rules of behavior.

Xerox and save records or articles that benefit your child.

Yield results by encouraging your child to do better.

Zoom through these ABCs again and again!




by Shane Derolf


While walking in a toy store

The day before today

I overheard a crayon box

With many things to say


“I don’t like red” said yellow.

And green said, “Nor do I!

And no one here likes orange

But no know knows quite why.”


“We are a box of crayons

That really doesn’t get along,”

Said blue to all the others

“Something here is wrong!”


Well, I bought that box of crayons

And took it home with me

And laid out all the crayons

So the crayons could all see.


They watched me as I colored

With red and blue and green

And black and white and orange

And every color in between.


They watched as green

Became the grass

 And blue became the sky.

The yellow sun was shining bright

On white clouds drifting by.


Colors changing as they touched

Becoming something new.

They watched me as I colored.

They watched till I was through.


And when I’d finally finished

I began to walk away.

And as I did the crayon box

Had something more to say.


“I do like red!” said yellow

And green said, “So do I!”

And blue you are terrific

So high up in the sky.”


“We are a box of crayons

Each of us unique,

But when we get together

The picture is complete.”


Now if we could just learn

From this box of crayons

This world would be a better place.






