Check Out Our Schedule

7:50-8:15 The students will enter the room and have their breakfast while working on an independent practice page (usually social studies, science, math or cursive, extra help).

8:15-9:15  Math

9:15-10:00 Written Language

10:00-10:35 Social Studies/Science

10:40-11:10 Lunch

11:15-12:45 Reading

12:45-1:25 Specials
A Day  PE with Coach Beam
B Day Music
C Day PE with Coach Beam
D Day Library
E Day Art
F Day (1st semester) PE with Coach Beam
F Day (2nd semester) Library

1:25-2:00 Recess

2:10-2:50 Academic Intervention/Individual Help/Activities/Encore

2:50 Dismissal