Composing with the Fibonacci Series


1. Review the basics of the Fibonacci Series with the first  video located at the bottom of the thinglink entitiled: Introducing the C Major Scale. (You only need to watch the first 3 minutes or so). Now watch video number 2 and see how the fibonacci series relates to the keyboard.

2. Review standard notation and rhythm with the next two videos located at the bottom of of the thinglink entitiled: Introducing the C Major Scale.


3. Watch the brief Scorio Tutorial.

Scorio Tutorial Video:

4. Open Scorio and use it to create your composition. Remember you are using the Fibonacci Series to make your piece balanced and attractive. Scale degrees, sol-feg, and note names correspond with the beginning numbers in the series. You should use only scale degree 1 (do or C) 2 (re or D) 3 (mi or E) 5 (sol or G) and 8 (high do or C).


Feel free to use any combination of the numbers in the Fibonacci series and make certain to change your name and the title of the piece. You can use different rhythms as well! Be creative and have fun. Please print your composition when you have finished and turn it in!

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