1A, 2A - 1 assist/2 Assist                                     ADL - Activities of Daily                                                                                       Living                                                      
Ad lib - as desired                                                AM -  before noon
amb - ambulate                                           BID - Twice a Day
BM - bowel movement                               bp - Blood Pressure
BRP - bathroom privileges                         c - with
Cath - catheter                                            CNA - Certified Nurse
c/o - complains of                                       CPR - Cardiopulmonary
d/c - discontinue                                         DOE - Dyspnea on Exertion
DNR - Do Not Resuscitate                         drsg - dressing
Dx - diagnosis                                            ENC - encourage
FBS - Fasting Blood Sugar                         Fx - fracture
h (hr) - hour                                                         H2O - water
HS (hs) - hour of sleep                               HOB - head of bed
HOH - hard of hearing                                ht - height
Hx - history                                                          in - inch
I&O - intake & output                                IV - intravenous
Lab - laboratory                                         LE - Lower Extremity            
lb - pound                                                   liq - liquid
LLQ - Left Lower Quadrant                        LOC - Level of Consciousness
LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse                            LTC - Long Term Care
LUQ - Left Upper Quadrant                       meds - medications                                                        
min - minute                                               ml - milliliter
neg - negative                                              NKDA - No Known Drug
NPO - Nothing by Mouth                                    N/V - Nausea/Vomiting
O2 - Oxygen                                               O2NC - Oxygen via Nasal
OOB - Out of Bed                                                OT - Occupational Therapy   
Oz - ounce                                                   p - after
Per - by, through                                        PM - after noon
Po - by mouth                                             PRN - when necessary
PROM - Passive Range of Motion              PT - Physical Therapy
Pt - Patient                                                  Q - every
Qh - every hour                                          q2h - every 2 hours
Qhs - every night at bedtime                       QS - every shift
R - Respiratory                                           RES - Resident
RLQ - Right Lower Quadrant                     RN - Registered Nurse
ROM - Range of Motion                                      RUQ - Right Upper Quadrant                                                
Rt - Right                                                    R/W - Rolling Walker
Rx - Prescription                                        s/s - Sign/Symptom
S - without                                                 SNF - Skilled Nursing Facility
SOB - Shortnessof Breath                          SSE - Soap Suds Enema
Stat - At once                                             Tbsp - Tablespoon
Tid - Three Times a Day                                      TPR - Temperature, Pulse
Tsp - Teaspoon                                          T&P - Turn and Position
v/s - Vital Signs                                          w/c - Wheelchair
WHFO - Wrist, hand, finger                       wt - Weight