Reader's Workshop




Each student keeps a reading tool-box with them during Reader's Workshop.  Inside you would find a reading notebook, 3-7 books of high interest, post-it notes for marking pages they would like to share with the class or something that they have learned about themselves as a reader.  They also have a bookmark that reminds them what a good fit book is.


During this time I am working with students individually or in small groups assessing, reinforcing skills or conferencing.  This is how I get to know each student individually as a reader.


If you came into our room during Reader's Workshop you may also find students reading their published writing to each other, working with words from our word wall, or spelling lists, or listening to stories on the Ipad.


We will also build up to 30 min of "Read To Someone" time.  This is the part of our workshop where the students can spend time reading to a partner.  They sit EEKK (elbow, elbow, knee, knee) and choose ways to read their books together.  They will echo read, share the reading, or take turns reading.  They often excite in finding robust vocabulary words in their books and determining their meaning.


The children will work up to 40 min of "Read to Self" time by the end of the year.  They find a comfortable place in our classroom where they can read books and practice the skills and strategies that they have been taught during our Guided Reading time.


There are many books available in our classroom of different reading levels, genre, various authors, poetry books, etc.  The kids quickly find their favorites.








There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on the Treasure Island. - Walt Disney


Reader's Workshop is the time during our day when the children can be independent with their reading and their choices.  Every morning the children take time to add "Good Fit" book picks to their book box.  The books that they pick are books that they can read alone, comprehend, and are of interest to them.