8th Grade Process Journal Assignments

Process Journal Monthly Assignments

Description: The process journal monthly assignments that range from drawings to writing assignments.  A description will be presented at the beginning of each month and the assignment will be posted in the classroom.  They are to be done independently and on your own time.  Each assignment has the grading criteria attached and in listed below.  Late assignments will be accepted up to one month late with 10 points being taken off per week late. We are expecting quality assignments that take around an hour to complete. Some assignments will require use of a computer, camera, or color pencils.  These will be available to be signed out and used in school. 

Purpose: The process journal assignments are designed to develop your creative thinking skills and work your imagination beyond major class projects.  All assignments meet the common core standards for Reading and Responding to Literature and the National Art Standards.  Each process journal entry has an IB rubric attached. 
Google Art Project: Great link for finding artwork! 

World Book Online: Great link for biographical information!