Spanish I outline


Spanish I (High School) Course Outline
Objectives of the Spanish 1 Course:
Spanish 1 is the beginning of Checkpoint A, the first level of proficiency in the New York State syllabus. The major objective of this Spanish program is to teach the four basic language skills (SPEAKING, LISTENING, READING, and WRITING) by a means of a predetermined number of grammatical patterns and a limited foreign language vocabulary.
Students will…
Study a foreign language
Become acquainted with the sounds of the language
Hear sound/letter correspondence in the foreign language
Socialize verbally
Distinguish between correct forms of address (you)
Verbally gain and provide information
Persuade another person to take a course of action
Become acquainted with the culture of the language
Write simple notes and lists
Read and understand ads, letters, and forms
Practice listening and comprehending short passages and conversation
Broaden their vocabulary base
Be introduced to the basic grammatical concepts
Learn to use and change simple verb tenses
Learn the concept of adjective agreement and position
Topics that will be covered this year are:
Introductory Lessons (the alphabet, numbers 1-100, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, weather, greetings & farewells, courtesy phrases, sports, and colors)
 Personal Identification
 House and Home
 Community and Neighborhood
 Health & Welfare
 Physical Environment
 Earning a Living
 Public Services