Spanish IV outline


Course outline and objectives for Spanish IV& V:
Spanish IV /V focuses on the application and expansion of the skills acquired in Spanish I-III. A firm grasp of the basic grammatical and syntactical structures is assumed. Some new grammatical concepts are introduced, and some grammar is reviewed, but it is not the primary focus of the course and it is addressed primarily through intensive reading and writing and through the daily use of Spanish in the classroom.
                              Topics / Assignments:
1. Literature
2. Projects
3. Short Stories
4. Bulletin Board Assignments
Students will be assigned a month to decorate the bulletin board. Its purpose should be to creatively inform the class about a cultural topic or event in Spanish. It will count as two test grades.
5. Vocabulary Topics
6. Games, Art, Music, Famous People, and Holiday Events
7. Grammar Reinforcement / Advanced Grammar
Instructional Objectives:
⇒Students will be familiar with the culture and current events of the target language
⇒Students will have more time to prepare and deliver oral presentations
⇒Students will produce longer and more complex compositions and written projects in the target language
⇒Students will read more and varied literary forms by native speakers including short stories, plays, and novels.


Class Expectations
All students are to:
1.) Follow the LCS Code of Conduct
2.) Be on time with belongings (homework, notebook/folder, pen/pencil)
3.) Respect the learning environment (this includes respecting the teacher, one another, and any guest in the classroom)
4.) Work ONLY on Spanish assignments during class
Class Participation              25%
Homework / Classwork       25%
Quizzes / Tests                   25 %
Projects                               25%
*You may NOT use computer aided translation software for sentences or paragraphs on any assignment. Any attempt to do so will result in a zero.
Class Participation: is based on your performance in class. Students are to come to class prepared to learn, respect others and properties in the classroom, and give their best effort. This involves making attempts in class to answer and contribute, cooperate, and pay attention. Students are expected to: volunteer answers in homework / classwork review, repeat using accurate pronunciation during oral practice, and work “on task” at all times. 


Extra Help: I am available for extra help during my planning periods and after school by appointment. Try to come in when you first have trouble with a topic, so that you do not fall behind!


Parent/Guardian Contact Information:
Ms. Michelle Quick
E-mail address:
School #: 292-5400 ext. 4113