Symbaloo: Ridge Road Websites

Please note: You can get to the most updated version of this from the Horseheads District Home Page.
Go to:   click on "Ridge Road"    Under Quicklinks click on" Library" Click "Ridge Road Elementary"   
You will see" Data Bases": This has awesome sites we have used like World Book, Pebble Go, and Brittanica (Username:hhrr Password: read). .
You will see "Ridge Road Favorites": This is like Symbaloo and has all our websites.
You will see "Accelerated Reader": Your child knows how to take these quizzes on books he/she has read.  (Username: the first 3 letters of their first name and the first 3 letters of their last name  Password: abc123)

The Ridge Road Symbaloo site is the site students use in our class. Just click on the word Symbaloo above to be taken to this website.