Grading Policy
Grading Policy
Social Studies
Mr. Lutz
Quizzes & Tests =80%
·        Quizzes will assess the student’s ability to review study material routinely
·        Quizzes will be equivalent to 1/2 the weighted score of a tests 
·        Tests will be given at the conclusion of every chapter
·        Test questions will be taken from your notes, class discussions,
         homework assignments and class review games
Homework, Individual Projects, Notebook & Supplies = 20%
·       Individual assignments will vary in length and topic
·      All written projects will be answered in complete sentences 
·      All projects will include a work cited page that includes three sources
·       Each project will have specific objectives and a rubric to follow
·       Homework will be handed in with a name and appropriate heading
·       All homework assignments will be answered in complete sentences 
·       Assignments will be organized in the correct section of the notebook
·       All notes & vocabulary terms will be copied into the notebook/ binder
·       Headings on all assignments & study material
·       Students are expected to bring the following supplies with them to class:    
        textbook, notebook, folder, school's agenda, silent reading material
        & a pen 

Mr. Lutz's Grading Symbols

    I- Incomplete Sentences
    R- Did Not Restate Question 
    H- Improper or Missing Heading
    P- Use of Pronouns, instead of Proper Names