7th Grade Assignments

7th Grade
Assignments/Projects/Extra Credit

Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-10, 11-15, Exam

 Chapter 1
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation

Five Themes of Geography PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #1   

 Projects/ Activities:
Mapping Project
Themes of Geography Project  
State Project
Lengths of Rivers Project

Educational Review Websites:
NYC Pizza Delivery- Cardinal Directions
Conquer the Continents
Coast to Coast
Where in the World is Mr. Nussbaum
Virtual Archeological Dig

Educational Films:
WMHT- Geography Principles: Themes of Geography
WMHT-  The Ultimate Geography Starter Collection: What is Geography?
WMHT- Geography Principles: Detail of Climate & Weather

Chapter 2
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #2

Clever Coyote- A Native American Legend
Native American Influences on American Culture Powerpoint

Projects/ Activities:
Cave Art
Native American Dwellings
Constructing a Dream Catcher
Totem Pole Activity
Native American Folklore Activity
Native American Dictionary
Tenochtitlan: Building An Aztec Capital
Native American Culture
Appreciating the Camel
Who is Behind the Masked Native American Dancer?
Making Harmony with Native American Instruments
Native American Clothing
Knots on a Counting Rope Activity
Native American Recipes:
Corn Chowder
Popcorn Balls
Native American Legend:  No Face Doll
Making a Corn Husk Doll

 Educational Review Games:
Native Americans- Fling the Teacher
Native American Dwellings

More Native American Dwellings

  Chapter 3
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #3

95 Theses of Martin Luther 

Boat Races
Columbus Day
The Columbian Exchange
Destination of Enslaved Africans
Illustrating the Law of Indies & Society in New Spain
The Need for a Strong Vessel
Creating a Thanksgiving Menu
Pilgrim Recipes:
Golden Harvest Pumpkin Bread
Early Household Tools:  How to Make a Wood Broom

Educational Photographs:
Hernando Cortes
Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand Magellan
John Rolfe
John Smith
Bartolomo De Las Casas
Ponce DeLeon

Educational Films:
Desperate Crossing: The Untold Story of the Mayflower
New World

Educational Websites:
Rags to Riches: Jamestown Game show

Stories of a Nation, Surviving Jamestown- The Voyage
Stories of a Nation, Surviving Jamestown- The Native American Tribes
On the Trail of Captain John Smith
Virtual Tour- Jamestown Fort
Virtual Tour- Jamestown Church
Virtual Tour- Jamestown Site
Exploring Jamestown
Jamestown & Chesapeake Bay Video
Fantastic Voyages
Learn the Parts of Leif Ericson's Norseman, Gokstad Viking Ship
A Vikings Quest

Chapter 4
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #4

Projects/ Activities:
Educational Gazette
Race to Colonize Board Game
Colonial Life Model
Trade Winds
Influences of Geography
Word Origin
Fashionable Wigs
Good Ol' Ben
A Simple Country Life
Speaking Gullah
Colonial Recipes:

How to Tap a Maple Tree to make Maple Syrup
Boston Brown Bread
Churned Butter
Ice Cream

Educational Websites:
Liberty, Daily Life in the Colonies
Triangular Trade
Gullah Tales
Virtual Tour- Colonial Life
How Would You Have Survived in the Colonial Life
Voices Long Unheard- Interviewing Colonists
Building a Plantation
Plymouth Pictures
Colonial Williamsburg Town Tour
Colonial Tools
The Ben Franklin Story- Part I & II 

Educational Films:
WMHT- Thirteen Colonies:  Northern Colonies
WMHT- Thirteen Colonies:  Middle & Southern Colonies
WMHT- Colonial America:  Saints & Strangers

Chapter 5
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #5

Projects/ Activities:
What Could You Live Without?
Taxes- A Financial Burden or an Extreme Necessity
Taxation Time Line
Expressing Concern Through Cartoons
Another Tax??
Colonial Occupations

Colonial Recipes:
Molasses Doughnuts
Muster Gingerbread
Providence Cake
Swamp Yankee Applesauce Cake

Educational Websites:
The Shot Heard Around the World

Paul Revere, Messenger of the Revolution
Paul Revere's Ride- Interactive Map
Revolutionary Storyline:  An Online Role Playing For Learning History

Educational Films:
Last of the Mohicans (Edited Version)
Johnny Tremain

 Chapters 6-10