8th Grade Assignments
8th Grade
Assignments/Projects/Extra Credit

Chapter 16, 17, 18, 19, 2021-25, 26-30, Final Exam 

Chapter 16
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #16

Projects/ Activities:
Uncle Tom's Cabin Excerpt
Political Campaign Manager
Analyzing a Silent Movie

Educational Films:
Uncle Tom's Cabin
WMHT- The Unfinished Nation: A Decade of Discord

Educational Photographs:
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Abraham Lincoln
Stephen Douglas
John Brown
Dred Scott

Chapter 17
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #17
Union & Confederate Civil War Soldier Worksheet 

 Projects/ Activities:
Civil War Battlefield
Civil War Drum Activity

Civil War Flag Activity
Photojournalism Project
 Picture Book of Civil War
Breaking through the Blockades
Economical Roller Coaster of the Civil War
Talk the Talk of a Civil War Soldier
Communication Using Flag Signals
Civil War Recipes:
Homemade Hardtack
Sponge Cake

Educational Photographs:
Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant
Jefferson Davis
Robert E. Lee
Old Glory
Stars & Bars
William McLean's Appomattox Court House in Virginia

Educational Sources:

Confederate Money
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address

Educational Web Sites:
Civil War Signal Corps
President Lincoln's White House: An Emancipation Day Visit
Abraham Lincoln Interactive Quiz

Historical Duck Shot- Civil War
Penalty Shootout- Civil War
Audio File of the Emancipation Proclamation
Audio File of the Gettysburg Address

Images of the Civil War- History Channel
Civil War: Brothers Against Brothers
54th Massachusetts Regiment- History Channel

Gods & Generals
Red Badge of Courage

Chapter 18
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #18

Projects/ Activities:
Creating a Political Cartoon
Performing in a Skit
Court Case: Plessy V. Ferguson
News Flash: The President Has Been Assassinated
The Ku Klux Klan & Secret Societies 

Educational Web Sites:
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Educational Films:
WMHT: The Unfinished Nation: What Price Freedom
History Channel-  Lincoln: Booth's Last Days
History Channel-  Confederate Conspiracy to Assassinate Lincoln
History Channel-  Lincoln: The Diary of John Wilkes Booth
History Channel-  Lincoln: Behind the Assassin
History Channel-  Booth Plots Against Lincoln

Chapter 19
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #19

Educational Web Sites:
Revolutionary Online Simulation: Mission 3- A  Cheyenne Odyssey

Projects/ Activities:
Wanted Posters
Picture Books of History
Short Stories & Social Studies
Listening to Oklahoma!

Natural Medicine
People of The Wild West
Flyers for Farmers
Boom Towns & Ghost Towns

Great Plains Recipe
Buckwheat Griddle Cake
Pioneer Recipes:

Trail Blazin' Beef Jerky

WMHT- Wild West
Far And Away
***Any Western Movies***
High Noon
Sagebush Trail

Chapter 20
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #20

Projects/ Activities: 
Being an Inventor
Mail Order Catalogs
Bumpy Ride

People of the Industrial Revolution
Where Did that Happen?
Industrial Cartoons
Trends of Labor Unions

Educational Photographs:

Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller
J. Pierpont Morgan
Cornelius Vanderbilt
George Pullman
Thomas Edison
Cyrus Fields
Alexander Graham Bell
Henry Ford

Educational Films:
Bill Nye The Science Guy:  Inventions
WMHT- The Wright Brothers
WMHT- The Transatlantic Cable

 Chapters 21-25