How to be a Model Student
Teacher’s Expectations
Classroom Rules:
1.        Be respectful and courteous to peers and staff
2.        Raise your hand when you need to ask a question or to add insightfulness 
           to class discussions
3.        In order to have an active and equal opportunity learning environment,
           the teacher will choose the students who will answer classroom discussion
           questions without the need of raising your hand 
4.        Arrive to class on time, sitting in your seat with the necessary
           supplies, be attentive & ready to learn
5.        No food or drinks allowed in class
6.        Please understand asking to go to the bathroom is a disruption to the 
           learning environment.  Please respect your peers’ valuable time and use  
           the bathroom during class dismissal bells or at appropriate times, not    
           during class lectures 
7.        Have Fun

Helpful Sites with Pronunciation of Difficult Social Studies Terms
Bridging World History
Merriam Webster Dictionary
MSN Encarta

Visual Organizers to Help with your Academic Studies
Venn Diagram
Research Organizer
The Five W's
Problem & Solution Chart
Cause & Effect Chart

Avenues to Approach Teacher When Struggling with Assignments or Academic Studies
 ·       After or before class periods; between class dismissal bells 
 ·       During my prep periods- Period 4 & Period 9, please make prior
 ·       Before homeroom class (8:05 am- 8:30 am) or during homeroom class
         if applicable with your existing homeroom teacher
·        Ask your parent to communicate your concerns through e-mail 
         (mlutz@wynantskillufsd.org) or phone (283-4600 ext 608)  
·        If alternate arrangements need to be met, I will be happy to meet with 
         you before/after school

Requirements for Homework
·        All homework will be completed in blue or black ink
·        All homework will have the proper heading:
            Full Name                                           Date     
            Lutz- Class Period                                Assignment 
·        All homework will be answered in complete sentences
·        All homework questions are to be completed. If a student has
         difficulty with an assignment, a question should be addressed before
         school or class not at the time the assignment is to be handed in. 
·        All homework will be handed on time.  In case of a class absence,
         your assignment will be due the next school day.  
·        All homework must be in class when assignments are due; not
         in a locker, in a book bag etc. As a middle school student it is
         your  responsibility to have the assignment with you when it is to
         be handed in.
·        In a group project, all members should have the necessary materials
         to present their projects regardless of any members' absence 
·        Late Assignments will be accepted two weeks prior to the close of the 
         marking period.     
Preparing for a Test
·        Study from all materials used in class: classroom notes, 
         comprehension questions, review the textbook, 
         workbook pages, Power Point presentations
  Do not rely on one method; use all study materials as the test will incorporate information from all sources utilized in class
·        Read & follow all directions
·        Students should start preparing to study three days prior a test. 
         Spending twenty to thirty minutes a night on different study materials &
         taking test practice questions will prepare you for the test.
         For example:  1st night study the study guide             
                               2nd night study from the PowerPoint Presentation &
                                           Prentice Hall Practice Test
                               3rd night study the textbook & workbook questions 
·        Practice Test question from our textbook’s publisher; Prentice Hall
         Chapters 1-30 Practice Questions      
·        If a student is absent on the day of a test, it is the students'      
         responsibility to schedule a time to complete the exam within
         the next three school days. 
Requirements for Research/ Projects
·       Papers will be typed using Font size 12 and Times New Roman
·       All papers will be double spaced
·       Papers should have a cover page or appropriate heading
·       All research papers should utilize at least three sources in order to have     
        thorough data
·       Remember not to plagiarize
·       When using exact text from your source make sure to use direct quotes, 
        when summarizing information from a source use citations
·       Any information obtained from sources such as our textbook,
        workbook, Internet, or literary books should be included in a Works 
        Cited Page
.  If you need help constructing a work cited page, look 
        on page 121 in the school agenda or use the 
following website:
Automatic Bibliography Composer
·       In a group project, all members should have the necessary materials
        to present their projects regardless of any members' absence 
·       Projects that ask the students to visually communicate the information,
        may use this helpful website in creating many types of graphs:     
Preparing for a Quiz
·       Students will be administered a quiz for each chapter
·       The quiz will be on the key terms/ vocabulary from that chapter 
·       Students should review their key terms/vocabulary terms from
        each chapter. Five to ten minutes a day of reviewing the
        terms will be enough to be prepared.

 Problems with my Website

·        If you are having trouble downloading files from my web site,
         please check to see if the Pop-Blocker is disabled for my website.
          Directions for Internet Explorer:  On your Internet browser there is
          a tab on the tool bar labeled TOOLS, click on the label go down
          and find, INTERNET OPTIONS or POP-UP BLOCKER.  Choose to
          disable the program 
for this site only, not the entire web.  If you click on
          INTERNET OPTIONS, choose the PRIVACY tab, & uncheck the 
          POP- UP BLOCKER option
          Directions for Firefox/ Netscape:  On your Internet browser there is
          a tab on the tool bar labeled TOOLS, click on the label go down and
          find OPTIONS.  Click on the CONTENT tab, & disable the POP-UP

          Directions for Safari/ Mac Computers: 
         1. Click Safari > Preferences.
         2. Click on Security at the top of the window.
         3. Check the box Block pop-up windows to enable this feature.
             Uncheck it to disable it.
·        When downloading files from my web page, Microsoft Application
         software (PowerPoint, Word) is needed to view the documents   
         If you don't have the Microsoft Office Suite, you may download a free
         program from Microsoft that allows you to view documents/PowerPoints
         but you will not have the capabilities to alter/modify/create documents or
         Microsoft Word Viewer 
         Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer
·        If you are continuing to have problems with the web site,
         please notify me immediately to solve the problem.