
Mrs. Bull
Grade 10-12
Course description-
                This course will build upon and strengthen hands on building and creating skills that were learned within studio classes.
                Students will be creating sculptures made of many different materials and different procedures. Students will also look at how and why artist create their sculptures by discovering their own skill and styles through experimentation and self-evaluation. These hands on skills will evolve into their own style of craftsmanship and design.
                Expect that each project will be 3-demensional and will use many problem solving skills due to the nature of the materials being used.
                There will be no final in this class only a final project that students will choose the material in which they will work in.
                The studio and materials that we work in can be potentially dangerous if they are misused. Proper and safe behavior is very important for a safe and productive atmosphere.
                There will not typically be any homework in this class. However a student may be asked to “collect” certain materials that are needed for their next sculpture in the class. When this ype of homework is assigned a student MUST bring in the material being assigned. Types of material may include things like: a leaf, glass bottles, sticks ect.
                20 % of a student’s grade is based on Attendance
                20% of a student’s grade is based on homework/gathering of materials
                60% is based on the projects