Classroom Environment

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything” – Plato
In the music classroom, students are free to think, move, create, play, and work as a team in a supportive environment. Students take on the rolls of musicians, composers, creative movers, collaborative learners, and innovative thinkers each class and develop individualized musical products that they can be proud of. Music education taught through play, dance, exploration, and creative expression inspires students to reach a higher level of thinking in fun an innovative ways.
In order to create a safe and supportive classroom environment that is conducive to student learning, the following rules have been established in music room:
  1. Follow directions the first time they are given
  2. Touch instruments only when asked
  3. Treat others the way you would like to be treated
  4. Always participate and try your best
  5. Raise your hand to share questions and
These rules help to maintain a positive learning environment in the music room; however there are times when reminders for appropriate behavior are needed. If a classroom rule is broken, the following hierarchy of consequences has been established:
  1. Warning and redirection
  2. Removal from activity to reflect on poor choices made during the activity
  3. Call home with a reflection sheet to be completed by the student and signed by a parent
Depending on the severity of the infraction, further consequences in accordance with the classroom teacher's discipline plan or a conversation with the building principle, Mrs. Scaptura.
Music Room Reward System: 
Positive behaviors in the music room are reward by each class earning up to three stickers in the Music Pet Perks Reward Program. 

Three stickers = Amazing Class – outstanding teamwork, musicianship, and no rule infractions.

Two stickers = Great Class – good teamwork, musicianship, and minor rule infractions.

One sticker = Okay Class – decent teamwork, musicianship, and a few rule reminders

No sticker = We are still working on our teamwork skills and our listening ears
When the class fills their sticker chart, they get to go on the wall of fame. Each class on the wall of fame then gets to either watch a music-based video or play a fun game they learned in music class.
Students may also earn a trip to the prize box or a Rising Star for exemplary behavior and outstanding character traits based on our school’s Character Education program.