Screenings Provided By The School Nurse

Routine screenings are but one of the many school activities that attempt to provide an optimal state of health for students. The following is the screening schedule for students who are new entrants and for those in grades pre-k through 12.


  • Administered at least annually to all students 8-16 years of age


Color perception, near vision, hyperopia

  • Administered to new entrants, including pre-k & kindergarten

Distance acuity

  • Administered to new entrants, students in grades pre-k through 3rd grade, and students in grades 5, 7, & 10.


  • Administered to new entrants, students in grades pre-k through 2nd grade, and students in grades 3, 5, 7, & 10.

Parents/guardians are notified in writing of any abnormal results. A referral form is also furnished for the student's health care provider visit. This form should be returned to the school nurse as soon as possible after the follow up appointment.